Amanda Huntlyz Cyber Space

Q Art



My name iz Ananda Jane Huntly, ok itz Amanda.
Amanda iz latin for worthy of love.
Jane means gods gracious gift and Ananda is sanskrit and means Bliss
Strange my mother would name Amanda becuase she did not love me at all, from birth that women abused me terribly. 
I live in the ACT Canberra, devorcing my entire Family who live in melbourne. I have another web site dedicated to Child Abuse
Click here to go there Anyway getting on with it,
I am an artistic woman I love creating on my computer and many art mediums such as oils sulpture and craftz I would love to own my own Menz toolz so I could make anything
I have very long chocolate cherry hair that goes past my bum. I own chameleon green eyez that change with my moods and of coarse light refractions.I am 5 "3 I own weights and I use them :>
Secretly I dream of being an archelogist slash musician slash computer genius! But hello reality I never will be, if i could do it all again I would have been a forensic scientist.
I'm a philosopher inventor scientific spiritual grateful trippy tantric talkative and sometimes not so tactfull
I am jaques costau at the beach and Im alby mangles in the bush and Im Sir David Attonborough the whole time ;) I know everything and I'll tell you!!! ! My friends once called my alby mangles love child.
My best Freind iz Nadja who i've been friends with for 18 yearz.
My other best freind iz Malgorzata who I've known fior over two yearz they are both polish I am not.
I love chocolate anything but I dont eat it very often because I have Diabetes. 
The colour indigo ignites my soul instantly.
My Favourite colour is a Rainbow.
I love science  and science fiction. Im learning everyday more about creating my own full featured animated movies with special effects! Im an arty person Im always creating. 
I read Laurell K Hamilton books and Im reading Dean Koontz at the moment.
I have a white cat named Tachia, I say it with an polish accent.
I surprize myself daily at the tender nature I have for my cat, for a came from a very violent abuse home. Im never abusive to my cat and I love her unconditionaly. Truly I sometimes wonder why Im NOT abusive and horrid like my Family. They say genetics skip a generation, that must be it because I never inhertited my mothers "Mean Gene"
Hahaha, yes perhaps sarcastic but it helped me deal with the memory of child abuse as I matured.
I honestly believe there iz a mean gene so I researched it! Im not the only one who believes this theroy so do genetic scientists.
Itz all in Q-filez.

Made for my chat rooms bot profile
Click on her to see more details, tuts death mask

The Essance of the Sociopath captured perfectly

So Me So Q

I am Q the clock of time and space
I am the past presant and future
I am E=mc2 I am pi I am H2o
I am the perfect equasion
I am a Dimension 
I am Hidden
I am Truth
I'm Ananda
Pure White Light
My Colour is Indigo
I am Celestial Water
I am Nurbed
I'm Q
Q is my internet chat nicname. Q iz many things to me.

On a more serious note Im 37 yearz old 
I have diabetes type II which I manage
I am a surviour of Child Abuse
The Abuse left me broken and a mere shadow of what I should have been, what I could have been
The Abuse left me utterly debiltated.
My therapist told me to forgive them!
So I forgave them.
Truth be told I could ony forgive them because I truly believe they are flawed, genetically Flawed.
A predisposition, an evil gene if you will.
The fact that I have been so badly abused and I did not become an abuser must amount to something.
To ignore science and say there is no "mean gene" is at least shortsighted.
So yes I forgave my abusers because they are so much less so much less than me.

The Light Shinez in the Darkness for the darkness can never outshine the Light